Special note: This information on models of palliative care was adapted from material provided by the Center to Advance Palliative Care. Adopted by George Hankins Hull Spiritual Care Coordinator LRGHealthcare Solo Practitioner Model Consultative service with Doctor (MD) or advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) provides initial assessment and communication with attending physician, nursing, and patient support staff. May or may not write patient orders. MD or ANP refers patients to needed services (e.g. social work, chaplain, dietitian, pharmacist, care manager, rehab therapist, pain management, alternative therapist or volunteer), discusses needs in patient conference, and communicates with clinicians. Assists patient and family with advance directives and plans for future. Service Model MD or ANP receives referrals from attending physician, hospital staff, patient, or family. All units in hospital deliver palliative care as part of their stated mission. MD or ANP develops protocols for...